Discover what your company is about and use its story to drive employee engagement and your employer brand
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Who is this program for?
For organizations in need of an authentic foundation for increasing employee engagement. For companies who believe, as we do, that a motivating employer brand can only be built on real, firsthand experiences of those engaged with it.
For organizations where they are preparing for managed change: a new leader arrives, a scaling up or down is imminent, a merger is coming, or a new service or product enters the market. For startups, that are searching for a story that motivates those who are on board, and get the attention of those who need to come on board for success. The authentic stories we produce are a powerful tool for controlling the narrative around change - a strategic necessity for successful transitions.
Program objectives
Military leaders have long recognized that unit specific "mythologies", materializing in a common body of stories are the most powerful tools to develop cohesion, solidarity, and sense of camaraderie among soldiers. These stories, although different in content, are built on the same dramaturgical elements. They are dominated by heroism, perseverance, courage, overcoming, helping, failing with dignity, and a few other basic narratives that people gather around when working for common goals since the beginning of time. In our narrative development program, we discover the authentic stories specific to the client organization and its objectives and relate them to time tested, effective dramaturgical elements. By the end of the program, we produce a set of potent stories to be used in employee engagement and employer branding programs.
The story development program is made up of workshops where participants, with professional help, in an atmosphere of trust and security can think through what the company has meant, means, and will mean to them as a job, a community, a source of income and prestige, a challenge, an opportunity, and in terms of self-worth. Participants contribute their own themes and experiences as they create a common story. They articulate what the company means to them if not described in terms of market share, KPIs or profit and loss but human interactions, emotions, feelings., memories, ambitions, desires, and characters, conflicts, and solutions.
Krisztián Nyáry, bestselling author, creative director of the Líra publishing group leads the program. Krisztián guides teams through the story development process giving creative subtasks, providing feedback, asking guiding questions and providing relevant literary examples. Developing the final text is done by Pivot Brigade staff relying on workshop notes and a recording of the story development discussion.
Story development workshops are for groups of no more than 12 people and typically take a full day to run. They take place in a meeting-type environment and can take place at the client or in our own facility, as required.

Startupoknak, akik olyan saját sztorit szeretnének, amely azonosíthatóvá, megkülönböztethetővé és felismerhetővé tesz. Amihez érzelmileg lehet kapcsolódni. Amire olyan "ritusokat" (lásd alább: akcióterv, 3. modul) építünk, amelyek a vállalkozásra jellemző értékek, célok mentén formálják a mindennapokat, motiválnak, és hozzájárulnak a cég belső normáinak kialakításához és fenntartásához.

Olyan szervezeteknek, ahol meg szeretnék alkotni a cég hiteles, egyedi történetét, Ahol hisznek benne, hogy a hatékonyan motiváló munkáltatói márka nem csak "kifelé szól", csakis az átélt valóságra épülhet, és befolyásolni is azon keresztül lehet.

Ahol változásra készülnek: új vezető érkezik, új tulajdonos lép be, új profilt kap vagy nagyságrendet lép a tevékenység és ezért szükség van a vállalti közösséget összetartó erők, a vállalati normák, értékek megújítására.