In the old days of communist dictatorship the 1966-01-25/No. 4 issue of Új ifjuság, (New Youth) the paper started a new series on the topic of women's self-defense. As they write:
"Today, women carry out a whole range of responsible tasks in the field of social life, and more than once they can find themselves in a situation where their decisive action is greatly needed.".
Who would argue with that? The author is the first to present (or illustrate in a drawing) a possible technique:
"When the man is chasing the woman and she already feels that the attacker is catching up with her, the woman suddenly kneels down and supports herself with both hands. The pursuer is surprised by the unexpected obstacle and falls over it from the great momentum. This fall can be very dangerous and only an experienced person can fall in such a way as to end it with a somersault."

"Done and dusted", as our favorite Bartitsu coach used to say.
It is a great thing that when the Warsaw Pact committed itself to supporting Vietnam and Mwambusta IV. Bangiriceng, the king of Burundi, who was ousted by his son, V. Ntare (who was then ousted shortly afterwards by Michel Micombero, the prime minister - but this is of no particular importance here...), and when the Beatles, Bob Dylan and the Beach Boys were playing, our beloved Hungary could already have such quality socialist content for the youth of our country, especially the daughters and women of the revolutionary working class, the socialist peasantry and the allied intelligentsia. I tried to visualize the above technique on a peasant woman, for a deeper understanding. It was a mistake.
That said, the above idea, although the basic intention is commendable, partially goes against the laws of physics and totally against the laws of psychology and all instinctive behavior (i.e. fight, freeze, flee) with it. It requires awareness, a sense of rhythm, and control, posessing of which we migh execute some effective self-defence technique instead. We don't want to fall to the ground voluntarily in the hope that the attacker will have a bigger fall: there is a chance that we will be kicked around for a while before we are raped.
We recommend that all women who "carry out a range of responsible tasks in all areas of social" life should focus more on modern approaches to personal safety, such as risk analysis, planning, situational awareness, and learning reflective-directive communication techniques. The socialist retro-bullshido is definitely a thing of the past.